An introduction to the Conservation of Contemporary Murals
Tidspunkt:16:00 - 20:30
Beskrivelse:The course will bring to light the unique conservation issues presented by contemporary paintings on exterior walls. Based on the author’s experience with the American organization Rescue Public Murals, the lecture will address the history of the mural movement in the Americas, and how community murals have fared since the time of their creation. It will also highlight the work of Rescue Public Murals, and others, who are seeking to understand the materials of such large public works, the mechanisms of their deterioration, and the options available to conservators who seek to preserve them.

Underviser er William Shank, medstifter af Rescue Public Murals, Heritage Preservation og tidl. chefkonservator ved San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
NB: kurset afholdes på engelsk

Kurset afholdes i samarbejde med konservatorskolens efteruddannelse.

Der bydes på et let traktement
Sted:Konservatorskolens bibliotek,
Amaliegade 38A
København K
Koordinator:Rikke Hoberg
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